President, Principal Instructor and Technical Director of the Federation. Federation grading authority and chairman of Board of Master Instructors.
Kyoshi Chris Bailey, 7th Dan Master Teacher
Kyoshi Chris Bailey started training in 1976 under the late Kancho Barry Bradshaw at the Heidelberg YMCA Dojo, located at the Banyule High School Gym. At that time Kancho Bradshaw was part of the Australian Jiu Jitsu and Judo Instructors Association under Professor Wally Strauss. Kyoshi Chris continued training with Kancho Bradshaw on the formation of the Australian JiuJitsu, Judo and Chinese Boxing Federation of Instructors (Federation) in 1981. He trained without a break under Kancho Bradshaw with the Association then Federation until Kancho’s death, then under Kaicho Adam until 2018 when Kaicho Adam handed over responsibility for the day to day running, administration and management of the Federation to Kyoshi Chris.
In 2019 Kyoshi Chris with his senior instructors and team of academy instructors reformed the Federation as a not-for-profit association with the aim of expanding the reach of our martial arts to help as many people as possible in our ultimate goal of Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru (striving for the completion of one’s human character) as laid out by Kancho Bradshaw. Our Dojo Kun includes the direction to be sincere and honest, show strong spirit in all undertakings, practice courtesy and control temper and to strive for understanding and harmony.
Later that year after the success of the transition, Kaicho Adam bestowed grading authority and technical directorship of the martial arts within our Federation to Kyoshi Chris as President of the Executive. After the death of Kaicho Adam the Executive amended the constitution (Rules of Association) to invest the Grading Authority and responsibility for the syllabus in Kyoshi Chris as the Chairman of the Board of Master Instructors and the administration of the Federation to the Executive.
Kyoshi Chris worked hard to support Kancho Bradshaw and Kaicho Adam in all their endeavours and continues to do so to ensure the success of the Federation since their passing.
Positions Held and Achievements:
Kyoshi Chris is the President of the Executive of the Federation, the Chairman of the Board of Master Instructors and principal instructor of the Federation. Kyoshi Chris is graded 7th dan in Kawaishi Judo, 6th dan in JiuJitsu (Tai Jitsu Ryu) and Master Level 6 in Silum Hung Kuen.
Kyoshi Chris has been Principal Instructor at Banyule Judo School/Bushi Ryu School of Knights (1981-1999), Buk Tu Mua Guan Chinese Boxing (2010 - Present), Heidelberg YMCA Judo & Jiujitsu/Igen Chikara Ryu (~1999 – 2008), and Ageru Tatsu Do Ryu (2018 - Present) the Federation's new Honbu. Kyoshi Chris was an assistant instructor at Sho Do Ryu JiuJitsu and Judo (1986-2004), and at Hotham Judo School (1981 – 1999). Kyoshi Chris was granted Coaching Accreditation (level 1 coach) and was a member of JiuJitsu America (1991 – 1996).
Kyoshi Chris was awarded first place in the 2001 Kata Presentations, and was the Federation Sport JiuJitsu champion in the senior men’s heavy weight division in 1997, 1995, and 1993. He has won a number of the Federation’s Judo competitions through the years. Kyoshi Chris has been a member of the Board of Examiners since the 1980s, was responsible for marketing in the early 2000’s and has been Discipline Master for the Federation since the mid 2000’s.
Kyoshi Chris was at the first AMAHOF in 1996 then through to 2010, supporting and running sessions in the demonstrations and workshops by Kancho Bradshaw. He attended the Shihan Jan de Jong Seminar (1991), Professor Wally Jay seminar (1988), and the seminars run by the Federation for Professors Rick Clark’s tour of Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney in 1994 and 1995. Over the last 30 to 40 years Kyoshi Chris has run innumerable seminars and workshops for the Federation. Since 2018 Kyoshi Chris has taken the lead in running seminars and workshops focused on the Federation's development, the development of the Federation's culture and, along with the black belts, the development of members skills and abilities.
Kyoshi Chris led the Federation through the difficult Covid years where we forsook all fees, prioritising participation over payment in order to help all students, especially those who may have been struggling financially. We established free online classes, seminars and a free online distance learning program.
Since then Kyoshi Chris has led a growth period in our history, doubling our membership, increasing our income, increasing the number of academies and black belt instructors, as well as improving our governance and documentation, updating our syllabus and marketing, and increasing the financial support to our academies.
Australasian Martial Arts Hall of Fame
The 2023 AMAHOF award ceremony took place in Liverpool, NSW over the weekend of 18-20 August. Many of the very best martial artists of the Australasian region were present to participate in the activities, showcasing their incredible skills in demonstrations of their martial art, and conducting seminars to teach some of their skills to other participants.
At the awards dinner on Saturday the 19 August, Kyoshi Chris Bailey was inducted into the Australasian Martial Arts Hall of Fame “for superior leadership, teaching performance and dedication to Martial Arts”.
Kyoshi’s demonstration, showcasing a selection of exemplary techniques from the Federation syllabus, can be viewed here.
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7:15 pm – 8:45 pm JiuJitsu & Judo
8:45 pm – 9:45 pm JiuJitsu & Judo 6th Kyu +
Box Hill South
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Monday: 7:30 pm – 9 pm JiuJitsu & Judo
Wednesday: 6 pm – 7 pm Junior JiuJitsu & Judo
Wednesday: 7 pm – 8 pm Kung Fu
Wednesday: 8 pm – 9:30 pm JiuJitsu & Judo
Saturday: 11 am – 12:30 pm Junior JiuJitsu & Judo
Saturday: 2 pm– 3:30 pm JiuJitsu & Judo
Class held
10:00 am – 11:30am Kung Fu
Monash University (Caulfield)
Class held
Wednesday: 7:30 – 9:15 pm
Monash Sport Caulfield -
Group Fitness Studio
JiuJitsu & Judo
Monash University (Clayton)
Classes held
Monday: 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm
Monash Sport Clayton -
Multi-Purpose Room
JiuJitsu & Judo
Class held
Friday: 6am-7am
Kung Fu
Sunday: 2 pm – 4 pm
JiuJitsu & Judo 13y/old to Adult
Sunday: 4 pm – 5 pm
Junior JiuJitsu & Judo
8-12 year old
Viewbank Primary
Class held
Friday: 1 pm – 1:50 pm JiuJitsu & Judo
for Viewbank Primary Students Only