Martial Arts of the Federation:
Complete and practical self defence

We teach self-defence through all of our martial arts classes, working up from the building blocks of physical skills and techniques to integrated and adaptable responses to dangerous scenarios.

Our three martial arts – JiuJitsu, Judo and Kung Fu – combine brilliantly to form a total self-defence system. The circular movements and striking of Kung Fu complement the arresting techniques of JiuJitsu which, when combined with the throws and grappling of Kawaishi Judo, create a complete self-defence package.

Self-defence training methods

Once students have achieved sufficient skill and control in isolated techniques they can begin to practice them in a variety of self-defence contexts.

In Judo students practice randori (free practice with control and light resistance). In standup randori partners strive to throw each other, while

in groundwork partners strive to immobilise, lock, or apply strangulation techniques to each other on the ground.

JiuJitsu students practice reflexive self-defence in order to respond rather than freeze in the event of a surprise attack, augmenting throws and grappling from judo with additional techniques, often self-defence specific. E.g. defences against wrist and arm grabs, aggressive hand shakes, bear hugs, headlocks, etc. etc. unsuitable for sports like competition.

In Kung Fu students learn to practice fist-and-foot techniques and how to integrate sophisticated striking into self-defence along with grappling responses. Applications from the kung fu sets (individual forms) are revealed as sophisticated and functional responses to an array of self-defence scenarios.
At higher levels defences against armed and skilled attackers are studied in all of our martial arts.

Why Learn Self Defence?

Skill in self-defence brings confidence and resourcefulness, and grace under pressure.

Practicing the elements of self-defence in a supportive and safe environment enables students to overcome common fears and develop courage, skill, and resourcefulness.

Our training helps you to develop the situational awareness and presence of mind to outright avoid or de-escalate many dangerous situations,
In an unavoidable crisis, you will be able to draw on your mental and physical training to maximise your chances of escape and survival.

What will I learn in Self Defence?

  • An actionable approach to self-defence
  • Not to freeze or panic when attacked — instead respond and move effectively
  • Self-defence mindset and situational awareness
  • How to use leverage and skill to defend against a stronger, larger attacker
  • Escapes from common holds and attacks
  • Application and adaptation of JiuJitsu, Judo, and Kung Fu techniques to self-defence scenarios
  • A practical and complete method of self defence that includes all spheres and distancing;
    • Long range
    • Mid range
    • Close quarter
    • Standing
    • On the ground

Find a Martial Arts school near you...


Class held
7:15 pm – 8:45 pm JiuJitsu & Judo

8:45 pm – 9:45 pm JiuJitsu & Judo 6th Kyu +

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Box Hill South

Classes held
Monday: 7:30 pm – 9 pm JiuJitsu & Judo

Wednesday: 6 pm – 7 pm Junior JiuJitsu & Judo
Wednesday: 7 pm – 8 pm Kung Fu
Wednesday: 8 pm – 9:30 pm JiuJitsu & Judo

Saturday: 11 am – 12:30 pm Junior JiuJitsu & Judo
Saturday: 2 pm– 3:30 pm JiuJitsu & Judo

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Class held
10:00 am – 11:30am Kung Fu

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Monash University (Caulfield)

Class held
Wednesday: 7:30 – 9:15 pm
Monash Sport Caulfield -
Group Fitness Studio
JiuJitsu & Judo


Monash University (Clayton)

Classes held
Monday: 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm
Monash Sport Clayton -
Multi-Purpose Room
JiuJitsu & Judo


Class held
Friday: 6am-7am
Kung Fu

Sunday: 2 pm – 4 pm
JiuJitsu & Judo 13y/old to Adult

Sunday: 4 pm – 5 pm
Junior JiuJitsu & Judo
8-12 year old

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Viewbank Primary

Class held
Friday: 1 pm – 1:50 pm JiuJitsu & Judo
for Viewbank Primary Students Only

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